

上 十束多々良 243758-十束多々良 歌词

多々良 map1 ★周防 尊屋上 〃 ★櫛名アンナ廊下 明日また来ます ★ 出雲 貸してあげよう ★ 美咲 やってみる ★ 出雲 map2 ★周防 尊屋上 〃 ★十束多々良廊下 これから頑張ろう ★ 多々良Tatara Totsuka (十束 多々良, Totsuka Tatara) was one of the first members of the Red Clan, HOMRAHe was a pacifist and was considered to be the weakest of all of his Clansmen One night, he was shot and killed by the Colorless King, which eventually resulted in HOMRA's manhunt for his murderer Unaware to him, his death was staged by Nagare Hisui as part of "his game"  まずは十束多々良について 22歳、誕生日2月14日、AB型、身長172センチ 中学生の頃から赤の王、周防尊と共にいる吠舞羅の最古参の一人 、戦闘力は低いものの、吠舞羅では常に中心にいるムードメーカーだった、また多趣味でいろいろなことに関心を寄せてい Also If Boys Had Uteruses They D Be Called Duderuses K Project Anime K Project K Project Anime 十束多々良 歌词